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With all the super elaborate Christmas decorations we see all around us, there is something really refreshing and charming about using twigs as Chrsitmas decorations. It’s about giving a nod to nature, simplifying. And its beautiful. Creating Christmas twigs is the perfect decorating solution when you just dont have room for a Christmas tree. And if space isn’t a problem, then incorporating twigs into your Christmas decor will work wonderfully as a table arrangement, a festive arrangment in your entrance hall, a piece for your mantel, or even as your Christmas centerpiece.
From“Get yourself a large vase fill it with dried oasis (this will secure the twigs in the vase) then arrange dried willow branches into the oasis (oasis and twigs available from most florists) If you want an extra bit of sparkle you can spray the twigs with glitter spray or spray them silver like in the picture above. If you have a clear vase you can hide the oasis with glass beads. You can even scrunch up some wrapping paper or tin foil inside the vase around the edge and then place the oasis inside it. It just leaves you to be creative with your decorations. You can also add lights. It looks very pretty and doesn’t take up a lot of room”.
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