A Christmas Ornament Chandelier is just the ticket to glam up your holiday gathering if you don’t happen to have a real chandelier in your dining area. Christmas Ornament chandeliers look fabulously festive, are fun to make, a lend that pop of glamour every holiday celebration should have. Plus, they give you something to do with all those gorgeous Christmas balls you’ve been collecting over the years!
How to Make a Christmas Ornament Chandelier
You can create a chandelier made from Christmas ornaments to hang over your dining table. Its fun and easy! Simply attach an appropriate length of thread or ribbon to each ornament you wish to include in the chandelier. Once you’ve got all ornaments suspended from thread or ribbon, you’ll need to group the ornaments together so they can be suspended from a hook in the ceiling. To do this, hold all the ornaments together from the top of the ribbons. Then adjust each ornament to the desired position by pulling the ribbon until the ornament is at the desired height. The center ornaments should dangle longer and the outer ornaments should hang higher. When you are happy with the look, tie the top ends of the ribbons together into one tight knot. Voila! Instant Christmas ornament chandelier.
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